South Bay Speakers League

South Bay Homeschool Speakers League

Meets: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 10am-11:30am (Sept. thru May), plus Annual Conference second Saturday in June.
Place: Carson Library*, 151 E. Carson St., Carson CA 90745 (We are usually in the multi-purpose room immediately inside the entrance on the left.)
Ages: Recommended for ages 10+ (view our readiness page for more information)
Tuition: Click here for the tuition schedule. Financial aid available.
How to Join: Click here to start the registration process.

Find out more . . .

About the meetings
The speeches in Level I
Watch Videos

* We may move at some point, in fall 2016 because the library plans some renovations.

Test update

Meet our current club officers

Club President

Cullen (2000)

Club Vice President

Lily (2000)

Club Manager

Thatcher (2005)

Meet our Level IV members

Sarah (1998)

Lily (2000)

Cullen (2000)

Meet our Level II members

Scarlet (2001)

Emily (2003)

Thatcher (2005)

Meet our Level I members

Chloe (2006)

Dexter (2002)

Celeste (2005)

Evalinda (2005)

Alexander (2007)

Bruce (2007)

What members say about Speakers League

Since joining Speaker’s League, I have not only improved my speaking skills but also my writing, vocabulary, creativity and confidence.
Sarah H. (Age 15)
Even if you aren’t a fan of public speaking (I wasn’t at first), you will still like this. It’s entertaining and fun to participate!
Lily H. (Age 13)
When I joined the Speakers League and had my first speech, I was really nervous.  Now I’m still nervous. But really confident.
Ethan R (Age 10)
I was in the Speakers League for nearly two years. What I enjoyed the most was how when you get to write a speech, you could, basically, write about whatever topic you wanted, what you were interested in. A second activity that I believe a lot of people would look forward to is the voting system. There is always a winner, and it’s just really exciting to vote and see who gets the ribbons.
Elizabeth R (Age 11)
“Hospitable, fun, and informative.”
Sam B. (Age 13)

A pile o’ style.

Trekkie speech by Sarah.

Origami by Jennifer

South Bay Gallery

Spring 2017 officers

Visual Aids come in many shapes and sizes . . .

New club officers, Spring 2016, for the South Bay club.

13th(!) peaceful transfers of administrations. South Bay.

Hats by Cullen

Jennifer’s stage fighting speech.

What parents say…

I had signed my girls up for this Speaker league, in order to help them develop comfortable attitudes when presenting an “oral” task in front of a group of people. I believe it gives them confidence in continuing to feel that they “own” their information about various subjects. Speaker League helps give them that confidence and power to express themselves in an organized manner, a worthwhile tool to be used in the future.
Adriana Reeves
“Speaker’s League has been such an asset for both of my kids and we are grateful for all they’ve learned.”
Kim Lovold

Recent Achievements