About Ready Set Resources

We are the creators of the Speakers League organization, the fastest growing youth public speaking training system available to schools, organizations, companies, and individuals around the world.

Over the last ten years, we have helped hundreds of students from elementary through college develop their presentation techniques, mental agility, Public Forum debate skills, meeting management skills, speech-writing skills, and critical thinking, leadership and organizational skills.

Ready Set Resources is a family-run business that started out when our son was only one year old. We started out printing activity idea decks called, “Bright Ideas for Mommy + Me” (still available under the name “Bright and Ready“) for birth through Preschool. As our children grew older (we have a daughter, too) we expanded the line to include activities for Reading, Writing, Math, and Thinking.

Price becomes a Club Mentor
Price becomes a Club Mentor, February 2012

When our son was 10 (and our daughter, 7), he expressed an interest in public speaking, so (as we homeschoolers tend to do when there are no offerings of that sort) we started our own homeschool public speaking club, in 2008. The first club is still in operation and we’ve opened new clubs over the years so other kids can learn this great skill.

There was so much enthusiasm from families that we wanted to share what worked, so we eventually rolled out our club method in an ebook. But what most excited us was the idea of a network of clubs that could have events together and support kids around the world. That’s why, in 2011, we created the Speakers League organization. Now there are clubs popping up all over the world and we’ve even held regional annual conferences. 

We began “beta testing” Debate League and Skill Builders clubs in 2015, and hope to start offering those materials to people who want to start those kinds of clubs soon. So, the thing to know is, if you join one of the clubs on this website, you are joining a headquarters club for the the Ready Set Resources company! 

Kit, while Level IV, helped launch four clubs in 2014

Over the years, Price completed the four levels of Speakers League and became a Club Mentor for eleven clubs in Southern California. In late 2015 he joined the Ready Set Resources Education teaching team, part time, while attending college. Kit, our daughter is also a Club Mentor, and is in college.

“Speakers League is my very favorite homeschool program we do.
My son’s, too. It’s so awesome!”

Kasi Peters, Parent