Debate League
Video Gallery

Intro to Debate League

Highlights from a Typical Meeting

This video covers the main components of debate, and what the Debate League debating format is.

Samples from our 
Club Training Videos


When you number your arguments clearly, for the judge, you are taking an important step toward winning your debates. But, it’s more than that. Watch to find out why.


When you number your arguments clearly, for the judge, you are taking an important step toward winning your debates. But, it’s more than that. Watch to find out why.

Topic Analysis

The first step in preparing for a debate is to examine the resolution and figure out what is actually being debated. You’ll break down the wording of the resolution and determine definitions and meanings of the words and phrasing of the topic.


Once you have a good understanding of the meaning of the resolution, it’s time to start reading and learning about the topic. This video gives you suggested tools and techniques to effectively learn about your topic from high-quality sources.

Building Contentions

In this video we go over how to structure the reasons that you will give for why your side should win the debate. These are the heart of your Constructive/case.



. . . plus lots more videos for members to learn from!


Debate League Winter Classic (DFW) – December 2019.

Here is the final from our first tournament using the official Debate League format. It features a 2-on-1 debate with debaters (aged 10, 13, 15) with just 4 months of experience using our program.

SLAM 2017 (Los Angeles) Debate Tournament

Using the Public Forum format, teams from Pasadena, South Bay, and Orange County faced of at the Speakers League Annual Meet (SLAM) on the topic, “Resolved: State-mandated childhood vaccinations are justified.”

Debate League Winter Classic (Los Angeles) – December 2016

The 2016 Winter Classic was a multi-day Public Forum event. Here is the Day 3 final on the topic, “Resolved: Undergraduate public colleges and universities should be tuition free.”

California Homeschool Network Expo 2016 
Debate Demonstration

Members of Debate League were invited to demonstrate Public Forum debate, and had a lot of fun with the topic, “Resolved: Homeschooling should be banned in the United States due to lack of socialization.” It was standing room only! What side would you vote for?

SLAM 2016 (Los Angeles) Debate Tournament

Teams from Pasadena, South Bay, and Orange County faced of at the Speakers League Annual Meet (SLAM) on the topic, “Resolved: Gun control does not decrease gun crime.”

This video features commentary before and after the debate by guest judge, Samantha Weiss.

Funny moments from the 2015 Winter Classic

As the Debate League clubs from Pasadena, South Bay, and Orange County attempted their first tournament, on the topic “State-issued government ID should be required to vote in California,” some funny moments ensued. Here are some of those, for your enjoyment, and amusement!

The Debate League Paper Shuffle

Have your debate materials ready before arriving at the lectern!

Debate League Sportsmanship

After a great warm-up debate for our upcoming tournament, the competitors congratulate each other.

Debate League got koosh

We have fun while learning the techniques of debate.


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Fax: 1-310-868-2891
PO Box 866092 Plano TX 75086